This is a 3D/CFI "Compression" icon, adapted for use with Compact Pro™ files.
It came from the ("darling little") 3D/CFI entitled "Compression," in the General folder, in Vol I, of Drew Hodgson & Vernon Brown's set of 3D Color Folders, availible on BBS's, AOL, Etc.
It was made by using Gregory M. Robbins' Folder Icon Maker on a Compact Pro archive icon, and then hand-edit-merging the two with ResEdit (2.1.1), to "get the desired result(!)." Not hard. Or, you could use the ics4, etc, and some box-pastes directly.
Whew!.. And MAKING the icon wasn't so bad, too! But what're ya gonna DO?
Anybody can do THIS (icon fabrication) - you don't have to work for Disney.